Fiber-To-The-Home incoming This year I should supposedly get fiber finally. Onece I get it the fun begins and I’ll most likely start a YouTube channel and definitely get back to streaming. Games ...
New Exciting Stuff
New UDM-PRO Router I just bought a new UDM-PRO and now I’m starting my journey to ubiquity for real this time! I’ve always been preashing about the UI stuff, and deployed them, but never had my o...
Network Cheat Sheet
Twisted Pair Cables Cheat-Sheet Cable Types Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) As the title states, a UTP cable has no shielding. This is the most used and most basic type of cable. The cable contain...
Windows 11
Najbolj uporabne nastavitve, ki jih je vredno spremeniti na sveže instaliranih Windows 11 Sprememba desnega klika v classic menu 1. Open Regedit by hitting the Windows key and typing regedit. Hit...
Hello World
Pozdravljeni Dobrodošli na moji novi internetni strani! Spremembe Trenutna internetna stran Techserract, ki sem jo sicer imel več kot 10 let in gostoval na Wordpress-u bo uradno dosegla konec ži...
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